What is Direct Primary Care?

A Word from Dr. Fars

Even as doctors, we face the same issues regarding our own healthcare and insurance. Doctors can't afford to see the doctor ourselves! The premiums for health insurance are too high and unless it’s hospitalization, emergency care, or some surgeries, the value isn’t there.

That’s why I thought about how to provide patients with an alternative to "the system". I wanted to feel like I could provide patients with the best care possible—the type of care I wanted to receive.

I know it’s always the patient's choice how to spend their money. That’s why I believe in direct primary care. Patients deserve to get the greatest value for their dollar, and with direct primary care, I can ensure they get everything they’re paying for.

We want our DPC practice to focus on what matters most: you. Let's eliminate the insurance company, government, and other middlemen, to make care more compassionate, affordable, and transparent. It is my mission to provide you with the best care possible and to have you say around town, "Dr. Fars cares and I get what I pay for.”

Time constraints don't have a place here. Instead, I want to sit down with you and discuss your medical and health concerns. My DPC practice is about making you a part of my family and putting you in charge of your own health. 

Getting healthcare should be easy. With direct primary care, I believe we can provide top-tier care for a fair price.

Direct primary care (DPC), also known as direct-to-consumer or concierge practice, puts healthcare back in the hands of patients and physicians. With direct primary care, your healthcare won’t depend on health insurance companies, hospital administrators, or the government. Instead, you’ll work directly with your physician to determine the care you need. Your direct primary care physician will bill you directly for the cost of services instead of billing through insurance.

What services does a direct primary care physician provide?

At Yellowstone Holistic Direct Primary Care, we offer a range of services, from one-time consultations to ongoing care. We can help with wellness visits, acute illness care, minor procedures, and more. Check out our services for more information.

Is direct primary care the same as health insurance?

Direct primary care is not a substitute for health insurance. If you choose to work with us, we still recommend obtaining a high-deductible or emergency policy. This can protect you if you have any major medical crises, emergency surgeries, or other large medical problems.

While health insurance has its place, we think direct primary care gives our patients greater price transparency than health insurance plans. Many patients who use health insurance pay high premium rates each month for plans with significant out-of-pocket expenses. If you use your health insurance for typical family or internal medicine visits, you likely won’t reach your deductible each year. That means you’re paying a lot of money for health insurance that isn’t covering your healthcare costs.

With direct primary care, you’re paying for the care you get, not the care you might need in the future. For many patients, this is a more cost-effective way to get care than paying for it through health insurance.

What are the other benefits of direct primary care?

Direct primary care has many benefits, including:

  • Price transparency

  • Personalized, patient-focused care

  • Appointment durations defined by the patient and their illness, not insurance companies

  • Access to care at all hours of the day and night

  • Multiple options for getting the care you need

  • House calls (where possible), allowing you to get care wherever is most convenient for you

  • More time to build a relationship with your physician

  • On-time appointments with no wait

How can we help you feel better today?

Book your discovery call with us today to find out.