Holistic Treatment for Weight Loss

Struggling with traditional dieting? You may be treating the symptoms of your weight issues, not the root causes.

Why isn’t my current approach to weight loss working?

Most diets fail due to the concept of metabolic slowdown. When your metabolism slows down during a period of initial weight loss, you burn fewer calories. This causes your body to no longer respond to your diet plan.

How can I lose weight more efficiently and effectively?

At Yellowstone Holistic Direct Primary Care, we don’t just put a bandaid on your symptoms; we work to find and address the root cause. You’ll work with Dr. Fars, an experienced practitioner who strives to learn about your health history, lifestyle, and diet. We will also administer a PNOE breath test, which is the best way to measure and manage metabolic slowdown. With this state-of-the-art test, we are able to measure all of your body’s key metrics, including metabolism, to better design a weight loss plan for you that works.

Every person is unique, and so are their healthcare needs. We want to empower you to take control over your wellness journey and get the support that meets your needs.

Lose weight and feel better.

Reach out today to book your discovery call.