Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Whatever it is, we can help you find healing and feel better.

What We Do

Yellowstone Holistic Direct Primary Care is a cutting-edge healthcare practice that takes a holistic approach to wellness. We focus on the whole body from a bioenergetic standpoint, incorporating principles of quantum biology to improve your health.

Our practice recognizes that the body is a complex, interconnected system where physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health are all intertwined. We believe that true healing comes from addressing the root cause of illness, rather than just treating the symptoms.

We understand that stress, diet, environment, emotional well-being, and other factors can influence your body’s energy fields. Dr. Fars has the knowledge and passion to help balance these energy fields, promoting wellness and vitality. This makes our practice unique from many traditional primary care practices.

We also integrate principles of quantum biology into our approach to healthcare. The cells are the building blocks of the body, governed by quantum mechanics. By understanding the intricate interactions between cells and their environment, we can provide targeted, personalized treatments that support the body's natural healing processes.

Whether you are seeking preventative care, chronic disease management, or treatment for acute health issues, Yellowstone Holistic Direct Primary Care offers a comprehensive and innovative approach to healthcare that prioritizes your well-being at every level. 

Experience the difference of a holistic, bioenergetic, and quantum biology-based approach to healthcare by scheduling a consultation with our team today.


“Dr. Fars has a real passion for building relationships with his patients and really takes a proactive approach to health. He really listens to your concerns, wants, & needs! Dr. Fars will spend as much time with you as it takes to get to the bottom of what is dragging down your quality of life.”

Amanda Disney

"Dr. Fars goes above and beyond! He doesn’t just ‘patch’ a problem—he does what he can to fix any health concerns from the root. I highly recommend Dr. Roberto Fars for ANY health issues, big or small. If you are looking for a medical professional to help achieve a healthier lifestyle, DR. FARS is the way to go!"

Carisse Ludwig

Ready to get started?

Reach out today to start your healthcare journey with Yellowstone Holistic Direct Primary Care.

A colorful photo of the hot springs at Yellowstone National Park